My blog

Who am I and where do I go?
I was watching a discussion between several people that very clearly came from total opposites based on their political belief system. It was amazing to watch, not to see who would present the better arguments, it was interesting for me to see how differently they saw the world we live in and how differently they […]
Are you what you consume?
I like to eat, no really, I like to eat! There are certain things that I truly enjoy to eat. My wife for example, makes the best home made hummus. All I have to do is put in the petition with her and she will make it from scratch in our kitchen. I usually let […]
Opinion rules!
Opinion rules! I once asked myself a very important question: Do I live a life based on truth or on opinion? I thought it to be a very important question to answer. When I watched cable television, or participated in the 24/7 information and data stream via the internet and social media, I began to […]
What is the purpose of life?
Mankind has been searching for an answer to this question for a very long time. Over time there have been many different answers and there are many different ways to approach this question, and in todays every changing world, this question again has become more and more relevant. Those that approach the purpose of life […]
Perception and Reality
In a recent important political event our nation has witnessed something on live television that has brought to the forefront an important truth that we are all facing, that we need to consider very seriously. Like never before the difference between perception and reality is being blurred or eliminated. This is not anything new, but […]
Truth today
How do we know what is true and what is real today? It is a very important question to answer as we see a battle of information taking place like never before.  I remember my teenage years, back in the time of the analog age of technology. Back then, my life was based on simply […]