Here in the projects section, you can find some information about me, my family and the work done on the missions field in Panama. I want to thank God for this opportunity but also our home church! Without their support and prayers, this would not have been possible. We are eternally grateful for their commitment and love.
My wife Kathy and I worked for twenty three years in Panama. Our first four years we worked as missionaries overseeing the church conference of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church in Panama, with their main church being in Chitré. We served as intermediaries to organize building teams and restructure the church conference helping in finance and leadership training.
For the last nineteen years we worked as founding pastors of Ministerios de una Vida Abundante (MUVA) in Panama City. As we started this church from the ground up, it was a very interesting and long path. Along the way we got to meet many wonderful people and encountered the love of God and His mighty plan were ever we went. Apart from the weekday and Sunday services, making disciples, baptizing and preaching and teaching the word of God, we focused strongly on outreach outside of the walls of the church.
With our vision to win many soul, we imported an old panel truck from Florida and turned it into a sidewalk truck that would serve as our church on wheels. On Sunday afternoons, we would get our team together and with two or more clowns, a puppet team, a multi media team and many volunteers ( at times up to 40 people total) we would enter the high risk areas of the inner city and bring the word of God with joy to the children of these districts. We named it" La Camioneta de la Esperanza", the Truck of Hope ! This was our vehicle to open doors and gain acceptance in these very dangerous areas of Panama City.
Over the years we had more that 65 outreaches, mostly during the dry season of the year, with this truck recording over 7000 salvations in the most violent areas of the city. It was a true miracle to see children and entire families impacted by the singing, preaching and presenting of the word of God, the good news, to areas so affected by violence and destruction. The light of Jesus is truly powerful and shines bright where ever you present it.
Ⓒ 2024 Andreas Fischer. All rights. reserved. Developed by It's Angee