Who am I and where do I go?

I was watching a discussion between several people that very clearly came from total opposites based on their political belief system. It was amazing to watch, not to see who would present the better arguments, it was interesting for me to see how differently they saw the world we live in and how differently they felt about the state society is in at this present point in time. It think they did not attend this discussion to listen so that they could learn about the other side, they only came to hear so that they could then present their point of view.

There was no listening to understand and maybe consider arguments made by the “other side”. It often got very heated with participants elevating their voices, talking over each other. Those that were most aggressive often managed to overpower others. It was hard to watch at times.

It would be easy to point to the many factors that have created such an environment in our nation, as we can see this everywhere we go. It is in our families, our schools, universities and of course in media and politics. The point always seems to be the same one: its is about direction. What is best for us moving forward. But if we are to move forward in the correct direction, the first question that needs answering is a very important one: Who am I? Most people do not look at this question at all anymore and focus solely on the direction question. But who we are, who you are, is so important to understand, because it will make a big difference in what direction we will go.

So who are we? Are we simply people that through some luck have been born in a developed nation? We now have government issued identification, a social security number. We can also ad a drivers license to that list and of course our name and birth date. So, there you have it. This is who you are. You have name, identifications issued by government and of course, depending on your age, you have a chosen profession. 

But does this answer the question of who we are or are who we are because our name is on some government issued documents? Does our chosen profession show us who we truly are, or is that just something that we do so that we can live and support our families?

If we do not have a clear understanding of who we are, it will be impossible for us to make a decision on what the correct direction would be for us moving forward.

In my recently published book “The Illusion of Choice” I deal with this matter very deeply. I have found out, working as a Pastor for twenty three years now, that most problems arise in our lives because of lack of direction. Lack of direction mainly is caused because we do not know who we are and what we are supposed to do with our lives. In this world we can find many options and in most developed nations we can choose education and a professional career that we at that time find fits most to what we would like to do with our time here on planet earth. In other parts of the world this is not the case and options are very limited or do not even exist.

I think for the answer we must look to the word of God:

2 Timothy 1:9 (KJV)

Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,..

The Bible teaches us something very important and that is that we are called with a holy calling. It simply means that we are not born by accident, that we were born at a specific moment in time because God himself has a plan for us. This plan has nothing to do with our works and is not dependent on the circumstances we live in. This calling is simply based on Gods own purpose and grace. Once you become aware of that calling from God, you will see who you truly are and immediately the direction you are to take in life will becomes clear.

Let’s use my person as an example, even though we could use any of the many examples in the scriptures. I went to college and graduated with two majors. Then I went to trade school and graduated also. This degree and some work experience opened the doors for me to leave Germany and move to the United States. But, after some years I became unsatisfied with my life and chosen profession. I could not see myself doing this for the rest of my life. It was hard to get up every morning, but lifestyle and bills to pay kept me going. Until one day, I found out that God had called me personally. The fire started burning in my heart and I did not rest until I would finally make that change. At the age of thirty three I changed to the full-time ministry, leaving all behind. Finding out the true purpose of my life and who I truly am changed the direction of my life. My perspective changed about myself and about what I could do. I began to realize that there was a direction for my life that I needed to embrace and hold on to. 

You are no different. For you there is also a calling, a direction. You need not worry about the circumstances of this world anymore. Find that calling God has for you and you will find out who you truly are. Then the question of direction to take will no longer be a problem for you. You will know the purpose of your life! Is that not what we are all really looking for?

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